Monday, September 09, 2024

Cipactli Thinker—'Lagarto'


                        CIPACTLI, en la cultura de los antigonas

                        pueblos nicaragüenses es CIPALTOVAL,

                        nuestra deidad femenina de la creación,

                        Nuestra MADRE TIERRA.

                        (Palacio Nacional Managua)




mythological crossing

of human and mammal

reptile and vertebrate

It is on a vessel like a temple

like sealed by bowed lips

sticking its crocodile annex dog

head high in the air

Carrying pots and vessels

like crowns of madness

it is likely to beat

If one could be seduced

by a statue Xanadu would

by this once and twice

Its extravert head's

mouth as open as eyes

as similar as symmetrical

though finely unbalanced

By only right hand

touching her chin

like Rodin's Penseur

so many ages later

And we could baptize it

Cipactli Thinker

knowingly unknowing

The gesture may have meant

something and someone else

in PreColumbian days

And its facial features are as open

as to hide introversion like a sin

Thinking but much nicer than Rodin's

when her body is less naturalist

Rather connotative like their mind

may linger on emotions rather


Than equations as to arrive

at Montaigne's Noble Savage

But again much finer than the word

savage may contain among its meanings

As coy as nativism in the arts

but without any primitivism

As cute as baby-born

but without any limiting youth

Short for MesoAmerican

as it stands as it is

as it connotes as it denotes.

Xanadu (Ofxiomarafame) 

              for Managua (May - September 2024)

(Thanks to 'Cipactli (Lagarto)' Procedencia possib. Zapatera

in Palacio Nacional Managua NI and Java Speaks Virtual 

Open Mike)



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