Saturday, June 07, 2008

Earthquake's Aftermath

3.9 on Richter scale
on Monday May 12th
at 2:28 PM
feels like one's ship on hours of waves

tables moving
people moving
every thing moving
unto possible collapse

going to sleep
and not knowing
if one will awake
to morrow

aftershock after aftershock
alarm after alarm
until a fortnight after
the day before tomorrow

next time one's dizzy
or may feel lazy
it could as well be and not be
a subterranean implosion

and while we wait
to be sure it is over
new fears arise from
flooding and disease

and affects seen and unseen
predicted and explained
revive together again
to seal what never was

so, we continue too,
live and survive
when many, many died
and many more could have

and the hand writes out
the lines mind confuses
unto one's tired like
before and after it happened

it is sad and it has been said
some hundreds of shocks
and still each time and again
it is as scary as never before

a poem should give hope
and this one thus does to those
who perished in the rumble
and those who have to live on

to those here and beyond
and we don't know then
as they don't know them
and most don't know of it

anymore ...

Xanadu (Oflibaifame) for Blogspot.Com (June 2008)
(IM victims of Sichuan earthquake China)


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