Saturday, April 07, 2018

Garden at Giverny

Garden at Giverny (Take II--As)

As purplish as lavender to bottom
as brownish as green shade atop
one may get a new aesthetics
out of differences from details

As fusing seeing too near
with seeing from far too
and seeing to the left (west, south)
with seeing from the right (east, north)

As colors are that powerfully resonant
they can't be kept within the lines of shapes
and transcend an earthy classical palette
into new age of modernist individuality

As if the sun has been heliocentrically reinvented
and not only in cosmology but in painting as well.

Xanadu (Ofrimbaudfame) for Blogspot.Com (April 2018)
(Thanks to Claude Monet 1900 Le Jardin de l'artiste en Giverny in Musée d'Orsay Paris Jacques Derrida and Stevie Wonder)

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Lion and Serpent

Lion  and  Serpent  (in  Black)
A  20-th-Cent.  Interpretation

Lion apparently bitten by serpent
who makes lion crawl like a cat
heightening and curving its giant back
and howl like a wolf

Showing its feline fangs
to bottom of scene
counterattacking serpent
by same open mouth

Sculpture leaves us in midst of fight
when chances may seem equal
lion putting its foot upon snake
so it can't easily escape anymore

Antoine-Louis Barye freezes Impressionist moment
into a Symbolist image retaining animal Vitalism.

Xanadu (Ofrimbaudfame) for Blogspot.Com (April 2018)
(Thanks to Antoine-Louis Barye 1833 Lion au serpent bronze 
copper alloy in Louvre Paris)