Monday, December 03, 2007


Soft indefinite color lightens darkish lids
that repeat foldings of skin outlining lines
of moustache in fading of slight hairs of beard-
both appearing and disappearing we flow on like rivers
to oceans of nature's life into prospects of future.

Long nose relates sensitive eyes to sensible mouth;
without any detail of profile they deepen hours
of glance to perspective of facial features
slightly looking aside as escaping from Thee dimensions
to too limitations of iconic dialogue with visitor
though one mightn't get into closer embrace as the wise
take on a silent staring stargaze which is beyond
any imagination of psychological feelings and grasp
into an objective realm of Afterlife and Community.

Son rising from shade and alternation over setting sun
until a gain He only reflects His Self-Face of Christ-
mosaics' myriad textures display cause of matter into
constitution of essence as He becomes transparent unto
an ultimate image out of sigh of any relief of shape
as a spiritual vision of supernaturalness--
from our fragmentary vigilance of surface stones.

Xanadu (Oforthodoxfame) for Blogspot.Com (December 2007)
(Thanks to Deesis--Christ Enthroned between Virgin
Mary and St. John the Baptist--and Aya Sofia Istanbul)