Monday, September 09, 2024

Cipactli Thinker—'Lagarto'


                        CIPACTLI, en la cultura de los antigonas

                        pueblos nicaragüenses es CIPALTOVAL,

                        nuestra deidad femenina de la creación,

                        Nuestra MADRE TIERRA.

                        (Palacio Nacional Managua)




mythological crossing

of human and mammal

reptile and vertebrate

It is on a vessel like a temple

like sealed by bowed lips

sticking its crocodile annex dog

head high in the air

Carrying pots and vessels

like crowns of madness

it is likely to beat

If one could be seduced

by a statue Xanadu would

by this once and twice

Its extravert head's

mouth as open as eyes

as similar as symmetrical

though finely unbalanced

By only right hand

touching her chin

like Rodin's Penseur

so many ages later

And we could baptize it

Cipactli Thinker

knowingly unknowing

The gesture may have meant

something and someone else

in PreColumbian days

And its facial features are as open

as to hide introversion like a sin

Thinking but much nicer than Rodin's

when her body is less naturalist

Rather connotative like their mind

may linger on emotions rather


Than equations as to arrive

at Montaigne's Noble Savage

But again much finer than the word

savage may contain among its meanings

As coy as nativism in the arts

but without any primitivism

As cute as baby-born

but without any limiting youth

Short for MesoAmerican

as it stands as it is

as it connotes as it denotes.

Xanadu (Ofxiomarafame) 

              for Managua (May - September 2024)

(Thanks to 'Cipactli (Lagarto)' Procedencia possib. Zapatera

in Palacio Nacional Managua NI and Java Speaks Virtual 

Open Mike)


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Artificial Rock



'Artificial Rock #86'

glimming as if from rain

bumped measled and holed

like Swiss cheese

Auspices materialized

in stainless steel

exaggerated to art

it still could be

real but fantastic

show of Banyan tree

it may be mimicking

See-through on

a digital future

more holes than expected

for it rather resembles

wood and roots

than stone and rock

On which ambiguity

its aesthetics are hinging.

Xanadu (Ofwongfame) for Singapore (June 2023)

(Thanks to Zhan Wang e.g. 2002 

'Artificial Rock #86'

Gardens By the Sea Singapore)

Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Love Embrace ...


Love Embrace ...

(Concatenation Too

in Twelve Quatrains)

         I paint flowers so they will not die.

         (Frida Kahlo)

Diego a fat and nude baby

in Indigenous Mary's red dress

single Pharaonic wisdom eye's

Diego's third forehead bindi

Signing supernatural spirit

of this mother child embrace

by Ethiopian rasta sculpture

the nimbus appears to liken …

That gives them shelter

instead of just a cave at night

and the mountainous lady

sheds a milky tear

From her leftist breast

while her body is shaken

between heavenly bodies

of lime Moon (of night) and

Red Earth of Horian Sun's

where a third embrace

splits sky and heaven

into walnut and mint

Jungle and sandy hands

meet in foreground

young like youth

innocence like nature

Carrying mountenous scape

full of cacti of five kinds

or only four out of two types

long and shallow branches

Round elliptical leaves

tell me who may tell

one cactus from another

in shifting universe of

'Love Embrace of Universe

the Earth (Mexico) Diego Me

and Señor Xólotl' 1949

oil paint on masonite

When Xolotl might be a dog

man sleeping in brown and black

that carries the sky personified

by highest fern and brown mask

Wind howling sky

pupilless like Pharaonics

suggestive like sculpture

coming alive from

Indigenous past passion

revenge of nature

when day and night meet

in cacao of forest.

Xanadu (Ofvallejofame) for Blogspot (July 2021)

(Thanks to Frida Kahlo 1949 'El abrazo de amor de entre el Universo, la Tierra, yo, Diego y el señor Xólotl' oil paint on masonite)

Monday, April 04, 2022

Nude Prayer (Transparency)

Nude Prayer



Nude kneeling like

seated on its footsoles

on marble pedestal

its hands meet in

praying gesture

It's looking sternly forwards

towards the frozen pond

from next to Hallargardur

Park where empty trees

Are decorated by having

their branches neatly shown

by rim of yellow lights

like elaborating on

Christmas trees

When sun blows silent blazes

on environs and horizons

and the unadorned trees

proclaim their range of mazes

of branches and twigs

like winterly foliages

of transparency.


Prayer stands out like a child

just in between a pair of

her embracing hands

Yielding comfort to mother

as sole protection against

cold of wind and ice.



Metaphors add up and multiply

don't let them distract and divide.

Xanadu (Ofsteinarrfame) for Blogspot (April 2022)

(Thanks to 'Nude Prayer' ​outdoors of National Gallery of Iceland and Einar Jónsson 1939 'Prayer' in  Jónsson Sculpture Garden)

Saturday, April 02, 2022

(v) – Fallen Stone (FAST)

 (v) – Fallen Stone (FAST)


Not to understand is profound; to understand is shallow. 

Not to understand is to be on the inside; to understand is to be  

    on the outside. 




Possibly square but foremost fallen

it is grayed and whitened like old age

its speckles have become full surface

and grayness of firmness of stone

(versus lightness of spots of water)

is minority to greenness

of mosses that inhabit the area next

to possible residence of rain and snow

spreading its way like a snake

here and there emerging

details of grass and still dry straw

Where Earth seems to take over

from stone and too elements

of Neolithic age mingle to

exhibit in rawer textures

that look like just a giant pebble

along the road

If not accompanied by so many

of its family-likenesses to show

off Carnac alignments

at the Gulf of Morbihan

in between Trinité-sur-Mer

and Plouharmel

Difference between pebble and stone

is that the former is hardly thought to resist

gravity and it's always laying down

at the majority of its smooth weight

While the latter is willing and able

to resist nature and stand out up to indignity

onto indigeneity at its minority elegance

of Bow and Arrow Stance.

Xanadu (Ofbaudelairefame) for Blogspot (March 2022)

(Thanks to Carnac Stones at crossing Route de Kerlescan/

Rue des Korrigans EU/FR and 气功--

from quintet Five Carnac Stones)

Friday, October 23, 2020

Decease by Disease


Decease by Disease

(Corona Poem V)

      From the days of yellow fever

      in Buenos Aires, 1871

      To victims of COVID-19, 2020

Fatality of yellow fever takes full foreground

of painting—a woman slain by disease

as if hit by a thunderbolt

child's still shaking her body

for animated response

While adults have given up hope

raising their hat as a sad farewell

or looking down to avoid despair

of too great a grievance of death.

Xanadu (Ofvallejofame) 

                for Blogspot.Com (October 2020)

(Thanks to Juan Manuel Blanes ca 1871 'Un episodio 

de la fiebre amarilla en Buenos Aires' and  

MNAV Montevideo)

Saturday, April 07, 2018

Garden at Giverny

Garden at Giverny (Take II--As)

As purplish as lavender to bottom
as brownish as green shade atop
one may get a new aesthetics
out of differences from details

As fusing seeing too near
with seeing from far too
and seeing to the left (west, south)
with seeing from the right (east, north)

As colors are that powerfully resonant
they can't be kept within the lines of shapes
and transcend an earthy classical palette
into new age of modernist individuality

As if the sun has been heliocentrically reinvented
and not only in cosmology but in painting as well.

Xanadu (Ofrimbaudfame) for Blogspot.Com (April 2018)
(Thanks to Claude Monet 1900 Le Jardin de l'artiste en Giverny in Musée d'Orsay Paris Jacques Derrida and Stevie Wonder)